GamingAPI NATS production broker
PUB v0/rust/servers/{server_id}/events/started
Channel for the API to process for when a server has started
You can consume this event to learn when the server was started
Operation IDServerStartedserver_idrequiredstringuid: server_idThe ID of the server
Accepts the following message:
ServerStartedobjectuid: ServerStartedExamples
{ "timestamp": "2016-08-29T09:12:33.001Z" }
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PUB v0/rust/servers/{server_id}/events/stopped
Channel for the API to process for when a server has stopped
You can consume this event to learn when the server was stopped
Operation IDServerStoppedserver_idrequiredstringuid: server_idThe ID of the server
Accepts the following message:
ServerStoppedobjectuid: ServerStoppedExamples
{ "timestamp": "2016-08-29T09:12:33.001Z" }
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PUB v0/rust/servers/{server_id}/events/player/{steam_id}/chatted
Event for when a player used the chat
You can consume this event to learn when a player used the in-game chat
Operation IDPlayerChattedserver_idrequiredstringuid: server_idThe ID of the server
steam_idrequiredstringuid: steam_idThe steam ID of a player
Accepts the following message:
PlayerChattedobjectuid: ChatMessageExamples
{ "steam_id": "string", "player_name": "string", "raw_message": "string", "full_message": "string", "is_admin": true, "rank": 0, "title": "string", "timestamp": "2016-08-29T09:12:33.001Z" }
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PUB v0/rust/servers/{server_id}/events/wiped
Channel for the API to process when a server has just wiped
Operation IDServerWipedserver_idrequiredstringuid: server_idThe ID of the server
Accepts the following message:
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PUB v0/rust/servers/{server_id}/players/{steam_id}/events/connected
Channel for the API to process for when a player connects to a server
Operation IDServerPlayerConnectedserver_idrequiredstringuid: server_idThe ID of the server
steam_idrequiredstringuid: steam_idThe steam ID of a player
Accepts the following message:
ServerPlayerConnectedobjectuid: ServerPlayerConnectedExamples
{ "connected_timestamp": "2016-08-29T09:12:33.001Z", "player": { "id": "string", "name": "string", "address": "string" } }
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PUB v0/rust/servers/{server_id}/players/{steam_id}/events/disconnected
Channel for the API to process for when a player disconnects from a server
Operation IDServerPlayerDisconnectedserver_idrequiredstringuid: server_idThe ID of the server
steam_idrequiredstringuid: steam_idThe steam ID of a player
Accepts the following message:
ServerPlayerDisconnectedobjectuid: ServerPlayerDisconnectedExamples
{ "disconnected_timestamp": "2016-08-29T09:12:33.001Z", "player": { "id": "string" }, "reason": "string" }
This example has been generated automatically.
PUB v0/rust/servers/{server_id}/players/{steam_id}/events/gatheredResources
Channel for the API to process for when a player gathers some resources
Operation IDServerPlayerResourceGatheredserver_idrequiredstringuid: server_idThe ID of the server
steam_idrequiredstringuid: steam_idThe steam ID of a player
Accepts the following message:
ServerPlayerResourceGatheredobjectuid: ServerPlayerResourceGatheredExamples
{ "gathered_timestamp": "2016-08-29T09:12:33.001Z", "steam_id": "string", "item_uid": 0, "item_id": 0, "amount": 0, "gathering_item": { "uid": 0, "item_id": 0 }, "gathering_position": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 } }
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PUB v0/rust/servers/{server_id}/players/{steam_id}/events/respawned
Channel for the API to process for when a player respawn
Operation IDServerPlayerRespawnedserver_idrequiredstringuid: server_idThe ID of the server
steam_idrequiredstringuid: steam_idThe steam ID of a player
Accepts the following message:
ServerPlayerRespawnedobjectuid: ServerPlayerRespawnedExamples
{ "steam_id": "string", "respawn_timestamp": "2016-08-29T09:12:33.001Z", "respawn_position": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 } }
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PUB v0/rust/servers/{server_id}/players/{steam_id}/events/combat/hit
Channel for the API to process for when a player hits another player
Operation IDServerPlayerCombatPlayerhitserver_idrequiredstringuid: server_idThe ID of the server
steam_idrequiredstringuid: steam_idThe steam ID of a player
Accepts the following message:
ServerPlayerCombatPlayerhitobjectuid: ServerPlayerCombatPlayerhitExamples
{ "hit_timestamp": "2016-08-29T09:12:33.001Z", "player_hit": { "hit_area_id": 0, "hit_distance": 0, "hit_damage": 0, "isKill": true, "victim": { "steam_id": "string", "position": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 }, "active_item": { "uid": 0, "item_id": 0 } }, "attacker": { "steam_id": "string", "position": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 }, "active_item": { "uid": 0, "item_id": 0 } } } }
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PUB v0/rust/servers/{server_id}/players/{steam_id}/events/items/{item_id}/pickup
Channel for the API to process for when a player pickup items ingame
Operation IDServerPlayerItemPickupserver_idrequiredstringuid: server_idThe ID of the server
steam_idrequiredstringuid: steam_idThe steam ID of a player
item_idrequiredstringuid: item_idThe ID of an item
Accepts the following message:
ServerPlayerItemPickupobjectuid: ServerPlayerItemPickupExamples
{ "pickup_timestamp": "2016-08-29T09:12:33.001Z", "steam_id": "string", "item_uid": 0, "item_id": 0, "amount": 0 }
This example has been generated automatically.
PUB v0/rust/servers/{server_id}/players/{steam_id}/events/items/{item_id}/loot
Channel for the API to process for when a player loots an item ingame
Operation IDServerPlayerItemLootserver_idrequiredstringuid: server_idThe ID of the server
steam_idrequiredstringuid: steam_idThe steam ID of a player
item_idrequiredstringuid: item_idThe ID of an item
Accepts the following message:
ServerPlayerItemLootobjectuid: ServerPlayerItemLootExamples
{ "loot_timestamp": "2016-08-29T09:12:33.001Z", "steam_id": "string", "item_uid": 0, "item_id": 0, "container_uid": 0, "container_prefab": "string", "container_position": { "x": 0, "y": 0, "z": 0 }, "amount": 0 }
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PUB v0/rust/servers/{server_id}/players/{steam_id}/events/items/{item_id}/crafted
Channel for the API to process for when a player crafts items ingame
Operation IDServerPlayerItemCraftedserver_idrequiredstringuid: server_idThe ID of the server
steam_idrequiredstringuid: steam_idThe steam ID of a player
item_idrequiredstringuid: item_idThe ID of an item
Accepts the following message:
ServerPlayerItemCraftedobjectuid: ServerPlayerItemCraftedExamples
{ "craft_timestamp": "2016-08-29T09:12:33.001Z", "steam_id": "string", "item_uid": 0, "item_id": 0, "amount": 0 }
This example has been generated automatically.
PUB v0/rust/servers/{server_id}/events/command
Channel for the API to process for when a server command is run
Operation IDServerCommandserver_idrequiredstringuid: server_idThe ID of the server
Accepts the following message:
ServerCommandobjectuid: ServerCommandExamples
{ "command": "string", "arguments": "string", "steam_id": "string", "timestamp": "2016-08-29T09:12:33.001Z" }
This example has been generated automatically.
PUB v0/rust/servers/{server_id}/players/{steam_id}/events/reported
Channel for the API to process for when a player is reported
Operation IDServerPlayerReportedserver_idrequiredstringuid: server_idThe ID of the server
steam_idrequiredstringuid: steam_idThe steam ID of a player
Accepts the following message:
ServerPlayerReportedobjectuid: ServerPlayerReportedExamples
{ "reporter_steam_id": "string", "reported_target_steam_id": "string", "subject": "string", "message": "string", "reportedType": "string", "timestamp": "2016-08-29T09:12:33.001Z" }
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PUB v0/rust/servers/{server_id}/players/{steam_id}/events/unbanned
Channel for notifying a server unbanned a player
Operation IDServerPlayerUnbannedserver_idrequiredstringuid: server_idThe ID of the server
steam_idrequiredstringuid: steam_idThe steam ID of a player
Accepts the following message:
ServerPlayerUnbannedobjectuid: ServerPlayerUnbannedExamples
{ "steam_id": "string", "name": "string", "timestamp": "2016-08-29T09:12:33.001Z" }
This example has been generated automatically.
PUB v0/rust/servers/{server_id}/players/{steam_id}/events/banned
Channel for notifying a server banned a player
Operation IDServerPlayerBannedserver_idrequiredstringuid: server_idThe ID of the server
steam_idrequiredstringuid: steam_idThe steam ID of a player
Accepts the following message:
ServerPlayerBannedobjectuid: ServerPlayerBannedExamples
{ "player_name": "string", "steam_id": "string", "reason": "string", "duration": "string", "timestamp": "2016-08-29T09:12:33.001Z" }
This example has been generated automatically.